Monday, January 20, 2025

Alien Pop Monday 00.2 - But it wasn't there

 Another Alien Pop Monday...

This mix builds off the second track from Rampen (apm: alien pop music), "Ist Ist." This track was actually the one that got the series started as I noted while re-listening to Tago Mago that "Oh Yeah" reminded me of "Ist Ist." A few days later, I had a similar feeling with Kim Gordon's "I'm a Man," and after that I started being more systematic/committed to noting down when a song reminded me of a track off Rampen (apm: alien pop music).

# Artist Track
1 Einstürzende Neubauten Ist Ist
2 Yeah Yeah Yeahs Isis
3 Chris Connelly Stowaway
4 Akron/Family Holy Boredom
5 Nurse with Wound / Faust Hard-Rain
6 The Fall I Am Damo Suzuki
7 CAN Oh Yeah
8 ÅRABROT Deadlock
9 Kim Gordon I’m A Man
10 The Young Gods Un point c’est tout
11 Scott Walker 'See You Don't Bump His Head'
12 Edward Ka-Spel The Never Man
13 Einstürzende Neubauten Was Ist Ist (Live at Palast Der Republik)

As with the first mix, I'm hesitant to make explicit the connections that drew these songs together for me, though I suspect some amount of red string is fairly obvious with the track titles of "Isis" and "Was Ist Ist"... Though re-listening to the mix as I finalized the order of tracks, I was much more struck by the sonic connections than the scattered but more explicit connections of titles and lyrics.

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