Monday, January 27, 2025

[a record of reading] THE GRAND DARK


Second book of 2025, THE GRAND DARK by Richard Kadrey. Another slight cheat asI had started re-reading this before Xmas & then got side-tracked by the holidays & other things.

A fantasy noir set in a claustrophobic & beautifully described decaying city between wars. Dark without being overly gritty, one of my favorite depictions of an urban landscape. 

Though Kadrey is best known for his Sandman Slim series, a dark modern fantasy series that is a thrilling comfort read I binge read about once a year, the Grand Dark stands on its own as an incredibly enthralling and sumptuous in its economical world-building.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

[a record of reading] KOLLAPS


The book KOLLAPS by Melle Jan Kromhout & Jan Nieuwenhuis with a blackbordered cover, the 33 1/3 Europe logo and a grey background with the title and authors listed as well as the iconic tan cover of the album Kollaps by Einstürzende Neubauten with the black Neubauten petroglyph logo.  The book is propped up on a bookshelf in front of other books, most notable Headcleaner, Blixa Bargeld's collection of Einstürzende Neubauten lyrics and interviews and Nina Simone's Gum by the musician Warren Ellis.

Finished my 1st book of 2025. KOLLAPS by Melle Jan Kromhout & Jan Nieuwenhuis, part of the 33 1/3 Europe series. A little bit of a cheat, since it's a slender volume, but an excellent retelling and analysis of Einstürzende Neubauten's earliest works, but a very worthy read for any Neubauten fans. I picked it up near the end of 2024, but finally forced myself to read it this last week.

It will have a place of pride next to my well-worn copy of Blixa Bargeld's Headcleaner, the out of print collection of Einstürzende Neubauten lyrics and interview snippets with Harry Lachner that illuminate the song history and lyrical meaning.

As I try to turn away from staring into the endless, dispiriting void of social media, I'm trying to get myself to read more. It sometimes feels like I read a lot, but it's mostly online articles and portions of RPG books, so this [a record of reading] series will be an effort to motivate myself to read more books cover to cover. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

hwæt! schlürf

This mix has been percolating since November 2024 or honestly probably from the first moment I heard "Menschenentsafter." Even though my mixes have been quite Blixa heavy lately, with the Gelb - Alien Pop Music series every other Monday, I wanted to get this mix out now that it was complete.

So without further ado, here is hwæt! schlürf [slurp], a mix of exquisite mouth-sounds, stacked heavily with contributions from Blixa Bargeld, but featuring a few others. I tried to stay away from shrieks and screams and focus on the less common noises. Needless to say, this mix is not for anyone who suffers from misophonia...

The raw images used to create the cover art were discovered via the excellent Public Domain Review.

# Artist Track
Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld Menschenentsafter
Einstürzende Neubauten Ende Neu (Live)
Fini Tribe All Fours
The Legendary Pink Dots Crumbs on the Carpet
Diana Rogerson lip service
ANBB i wish i was a mole in the ground
The Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter TONGUES (EXTENDED)
The Stooges L.A. Blues
Jarboe Into Feral
Jarboe Feral Blixa
Scott Walker The Escape
Einstürzende Neubauten Wüste
Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld Ulgae

Monday, January 20, 2025

Alien Pop Monday 00.2 - But it wasn't there

 Another Alien Pop Monday...

This mix builds off the second track from Rampen (apm: alien pop music), "Ist Ist." This track was actually the one that got the series started as I noted while re-listening to Tago Mago that "Oh Yeah" reminded me of "Ist Ist." A few days later, I had a similar feeling with Kim Gordon's "I'm a Man," and after that I started being more systematic/committed to noting down when a song reminded me of a track off Rampen (apm: alien pop music).

# Artist Track
1 Einstürzende Neubauten Ist Ist
2 Yeah Yeah Yeahs Isis
3 Chris Connelly Stowaway
4 Akron/Family Holy Boredom
5 Nurse with Wound / Faust Hard-Rain
6 The Fall I Am Damo Suzuki
7 CAN Oh Yeah
8 ÅRABROT Deadlock
9 Kim Gordon I’m A Man
10 The Young Gods Un point c’est tout
11 Scott Walker 'See You Don't Bump His Head'
12 Edward Ka-Spel The Never Man
13 Einstürzende Neubauten Was Ist Ist (Live at Palast Der Republik)

As with the first mix, I'm hesitant to make explicit the connections that drew these songs together for me, though I suspect some amount of red string is fairly obvious with the track titles of "Isis" and "Was Ist Ist"... Though re-listening to the mix as I finalized the order of tracks, I was much more struck by the sonic connections than the scattered but more explicit connections of titles and lyrics.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Mittwoch Mix - building somebody else’s sanctuary

Listening back to my last Mittwoch Mix - There's Nothing to Read, Nothing to See, which doubled as a kind of best of 2024, in a mostly adjacent way, I realized that aside from Pig and BIG|BRAVE I hadn't really put any of the heavier music I listened to last year on it, or at least heavier, electric guitar first music.

Hence this mix, very loosely themed, featuring mostly metal tracks from a bunch of the heavier albums that were released in 2024 that I listened to.

# Artist Track
1 Heavy Temple Psychomanteum
2 Castle Rat Red Sands
3 Acid Mammoth Garden of Bones
4 UFOMAMMUT Mausoleum
5 Black Mare Iseult
6 Thou House of Ideas
7 Poison Ruïn Sanctuary
8 Wolven Daughter Beset by Devils
9 Agriculture In the House of Angel Flesh
10 Lowen Waging War Against God
11 Zeal and Ardor Clawing Out
12 Botanist Strychnos Electri
13 The Body & Dis Fig Back to the Water

Monday, January 6, 2025

Alien Pop Monday 00.1 - Alles schon gesungen

A young man with a thin goatee and long hair dyed black stands in a black t-shirt with a silver Einstürzende Neubauten printed on it. He stands awkwardly next to the statue of Mithras found in the British Museum.
A photo of the author as a young Neubauten fan, May 2005

I have been a fan of Einstürzende Neubauten since discovering them on the AP Presents: Industrial Strength Machine Music compilation shortly after it was released in 1999. It didn’t take long before I tracked down a used copy of the 1998 Mute CD release of Ende Neu and by the time Silence Is Sexy was released in May 2000 I was devoted enough that I made sure to pre-order the special edition with the bonus disc from my local Best Buy. 

E.N. have remained for all that time, more than half of my life now, my absolutely favorite band. They consistently top my most listened to artists each year on and currently remain at the top of my all time artist scrobbles at 14,617 scrobbles, barely edging out the Legendary Pink Dots, the other immensely prolific band I have been obsessed with since discovering them.

Following along as a supporter while Neubauten put together 2024’s Rampen (apm: alien pop music) album, I knew I’d love the music—I definitely enjoyed the previews and the live rampen or improvisations they were sharing from the last tour that would form the basis of the new tracks, but when the final title was announced I was a little underwhelmed… The subtitle “ (apm: alien pop music),” it rang to my American ears as a little shticky and didn’t settle well for me until I read the interview in the Quietus after I’d listened to the album a few times.

“At first I wasn’t sure if calling the new album RAMPEN was such a good idea,” says Bargeld, “Which is why I gave it that subtitle, "Alien Pop Music", inventing a new genre, APM. Don’t let pop music be given popularism by the majority – there is a minority pop music. Pop music for the different girls, pop music for the different boys, pop music for the aliens.” 

Wesley Doyle. “Loving The Alien: Einstürzende Neubauten Interviewed.” The Quietus,

Sometime over the summer of 2024 those words were still rattling around in my skull and I started to note down when a song reminded me of a track off Rampen (apm: alien pop music). Sometimes it would be some sonic quality, some quirk in the instrumentation or tone—sometimes it was a lyrical connection, or a connection in subject matter, but other times, most times perhaps, it was simply a gut feeling that there was some connection, a spider-web thread tying the tracks together in some ineffable manner.

In that spirit I am in the process of putting together 15 mixes, one for each track from Rampen (apm: alien pop music) to create a personal oeuvre of Alien Pop Music. Each mix will start with the track off Rampen and end with another track from Einstürzende Neubauten, drawn from the entire range of their career, that fits to me as of a piece with the song from Rampen. In between will be eleven songs by other artists, sometimes featuring members of E.N., that fill out the volume of Alien Pop Music.

Hopefully there will be surprises, even for other fans of Einstürzende Neubauten, and I can draw enough from the wide breadth of my musical collection to avoid anything too obvious. I am aware that there is a distinct possibility that I am the only person on the planet who will find this endeavor at all interesting, but still, I will see it through, posting a new mix every other Monday until I have exhausted the tracks. Much like my series on Nurse With Wound's Shipwreck Radio, this is something I do for myself first.

Then, without further ado, here is the first mix, Alles schon gesungen.

# Artist Track
1 Einstürzende Neubauten Wie lange noch
2 Gloria Night Biting
3 The Legendary Pink Dots Is It Something I Said?
4 Pigface I Can Do No Wrong
5 dälek Prayers for Rain
6 The Young Gods Everythere (acoustic)
7 Moon Duo No Fun
8 Marissa Nadler & Steven Brodsky In The Air Tonight
9 Rogér Fakhr Everything You Want
10 Wire Forever & a Day
11 Grumbling Fur The Ballad of Roy Batty
12 Deradoorian The Illuminator
13 Einstürzende Neubauten Von wegen

Because the connections between the songs in this mix seem so obvious to me, I hesitate to spell them out, and I might only for further mixes if they feel interesting or obvious or so exceedingly opaque that some clarity is needed. But, especially for this first mix, I want to leave the ties unspoken, so that if anyone else listens they’ll draw their own conclusions, which might, and hopefully could be, entirely unrelated to the threads that I think tie these tracks together.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Mittwoch Mix - There's nothing to read, nothing to see

This mix started as an attempt to return to my annual Vision Board/Yearly Send Off mixes and meandered into a mix that is a bit melancholy at turns and unexpectedly a bit nautically themed.

Though it's not a best of 2024, it features tracks from some of my favorite albums from 2024, the exception being "The Feast" off of ØXN's CYRM which was released in late 2023 and new to me in 2024 and Crime & the City Solution's acoustic version of "The Bride Ship," which is incredible alternate take on one of my absolutely favorite songs.

# Artist Track
1 Shellac Girl From Outside
2 The Cure Warsong
3 Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld Libelle & Gigant
4 Elysian Fields Before the Crashing Waves
5 Fat White Family Religion for One
6 Shovel Dance Collective The Merry Golden Tree
7 Crime & the City Solution The Bride Ship (Acoustic)
8 Lankum The Pride of Petravore (Live in Dublin)
9 Pig Red Room
10 ØXN The Feast
11 Chris Connelly Port of St. Catharine
12 Einstürzende Neubauten Trilobiten
13 BIG|BRAVE i felt a funeral